My name is Jean Campbell and I am an Artist

Welcome to the online gallery of Longhouse Studio. If you wish to request a commission, view my Portfolio by category to get a feel for my artistic style, or jump right into the Shop Available section if you want to purchase an existing piece. Contact me via the Contact page if you have questions or comments. Thank you for stopping by!

American Eagle head shot
Thumbnail image of woman standing on the shore looking out at the ocean
View from a yoga mat on a sunny, Jamaican balcony. Bright blue sky, yellow-orange walls, black metal furniture
Two pink dahlias in a vase sit in bright sun on this acrylic canvas

The common theme of my life’s work has always been to make things.


Now I get to make Art!


The common theme of my life’s work has always been to make things. 〰️ Now I get to make Art! 〰️